College Life

College Life

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

And then there were two

Well....we said goodbye to the NCU team this morning. 

We're on our own from here on out! So far we've survived: a van ride to the bus station (where we had 11 people in an 8 person van), the 6 hour bus ride from Phnom Penh to Battambang, getting in contact with the guy who was picking us up, and our first night of dinner at HBI. Busy day!

And so our adventure begins!!

We won't go hungry! Thanks to all the ncu team members that donated to the "Keep Janel and Nicole Alive Foundation."

Home for the next three weeks!!

Just enjoying some quality down time before the real work starts tomorrow :)

Please pray for our health. Both of us are fighting a head cold right now, and are hoping to kick it soon! Also pray that we are able to get a lot done and be effective "beacons" of Christ. 

Thanks, prayer warriors! Love you all.

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