Oh my goodness, there is just so much going on! Today was amazing though. I had to make a Safeway run to get brownie mix for FCA (because if you want college students to go to something, you bring junk food) Anyways, as I was checking out, the lady asked me if I wanted to donate to Breast Cancer Research. Usually I pass things like this up without second guessing. This time, though, I didn't skip a beat before I said yes. I don't know what came over me, but I didn't even think about it. There was no doubt in my mind that I wanted to donate that $5. When I said I would, the cashier looked me in the eyes and said "Thank you! You're the first person I've checked out today that has donated." As if that wasn't reward enough, she commented on the brownie mix and I got to tell her it was for a campus bible study I was leading tonight. That just added another spark into her eye, and she told me she was glad there was still stuff like that that is going strong. As I left Safeway and approached my car, I saw an elderly homeless lady. Feeling God tugging on my heart strings, I decided I needed to do something for the lady. I had a granola bar (something my mom taught me to always have on hand), but thought that might be too hard for this lady to eat. So I went back into Safeway and bought a couple snacks that would be easier on her teeth and hold her hunger. The look in the woman's eyes as I approached her was one of the most powerful things I have ever seen. I had thought the cashier's eyes lit up...until I approached the homeless lady. I don't think I have ever seen such humility and graciousness from any other human being. The opportunity to talk to the woman about NCU and how I love to do outreach and my life goal being that God's light would shine through me was amazing. The most amazing part of the day, though, was the woman telling me "Well let me tell you something! I knew God was going to send me an angel today. I don't usually stand over here on this corner, but today God told me to stand here. And now I know why." I can't even believe the amazing woman and her words. I felt so blessed to have spent those 5 minutes with her. Then I came back to school for lunch, where a freshman basketball player told me I inspire her. She was only talking about my healthy eating choice for that meal, but it just added to the joy I felt today. I felt like I made a difference in the community in several ways. Now I know only my wonderful sister reads this blog, but I had to share this with someone, I want to have written this down, so any time I have a bad day, I can look back and see my documentation of how I felt knowing that God was walking right next to me, step for step, today. Hopefully you made it through this whole thing...looking back at it, it seems a lot longer than it did when I was writing it.
Oh, and I finished a Pinterest project today...who doesn't like that?!? :)