College Life

College Life

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Touch Project Pictures

Breakfast under the bridge

This morning was the 3rd morning this week that I went down to the Washington Jefferson Bridge to feed the homeless. There's a skate park being built under the bridge...right where the homeless have been living. So to ease the blow, and continue encouraging NCU students to serve, I've been going down to talk to, pray with, and feed people in need. 

I've met a lot of cool people in the last week, but someone today really touched my heart and pulled on it's strings. His name is Eli, and he is 26 years old. At first, he looked wary of our small group, and didn't look to excited to come over. But with the food sitting out, and 3 people smiling and greeting him, he gave in and walked over to us. When we said good morning and asked how his morning was going, he replied something like this: "It's been good. It's cold out, but I slept pretty good". After he grabbed his food, I went over to sit next to him. He looked surprised...I asked what caught him off guard, and he said "People don't get that close to me. I'm dirty" While I was trying to recover from that comment and think of something new to say, he looked at me just waiting. Since I really wasn't thinking of anything, I blurted out (I'm not kidding...I really did blurt it out. I probably sounded ridiculous) " wanna pray with me before you eat?" He said yes, so I said a quick prayer (I always feel bad praying for a long time before their meal, because they finally have food in front of them. I'm sure they don't want to wait very long to start eating). So we prayed, and we talked a little bit, and then there was a pause. I was sitting there, enjoying the chilly morning with the sun peeking past the hill, and he was busy eating. Then he looked over to me and said "I just got out of prison." In my head, I was thinking "Okay...think of something to say. Don't just let that slide. Ask what happened. No, that would be rude, don't ask. Just think of something to say!" So eventually I thought of something, and it must not have been good, because I don't remember what I even said. But it was something and that led to further conversation. Finally, I asked him what he's really in need of since he's new on the streets. He said he could really use some socks and people. He craves human contact, but no one will ever give him the time of day. He then proceeded to nudge me and look me in the eyes. We locked eyes for a few seconds, and then he said genuinely, "Thank you. So much." I didn't know what to do. I am always touched by the homeless, and I always get the chills after I talk to them. But I needed some time to naturally, I stalled. I asked him if he needed a blanket, because he looked FREEZING. He said yes, so I sent Lars to my car to grab my blanket. (Let's be real...I'm lazy. I didn't want to stand up to get it!) But we kept talking, Lars came back with the blanket, and then Eli stood up and said "I'm sorry...I really don't want to leave you guys, but this blanket is warm, and I could really use some more sleep" and he left! He went about 30 yards away, laid down on the concrete, and fell asleep. 

More happened after that, but that was the most important stuff.

I'll post pictures later...but Lars is the one that took them, and he hasn't sent them to me yet.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Touch Project

Okay, so the Touch Project is coming up this Saturday afternoon! This is what I've been working on all's a huge deal! Last year, we served about 300 homeless and low income individuals. I'm aiming for 350-400 this year! 

Students have really gotten into it this time around. We counted up about 2/3 of the donations from NCU students and the Eugene Church of Christ at the sorting party... So far, we have 123 girls/womens clothing items, 97 boys/mens clothing items, 13 pairs of shoes, a full box of toiletries (shavers, toothpaste, toothbrushes, combs, etc), 7 purses, 62 hats, and a ton of sunglasses. 

You can see how much work it was to sort through everything...but the result made it well worth it.

So this Saturday we will have a huge BBQ, a donation station (obviously), haircuts, a shaving station, a place to get their nails painted, a foot washing station (John 13...Jesus washes his disciples feet), a games station (where people can play basketball, frisbee, volleyball, catch) and 2 kids stations (where they can color, play hopscotch, get their faces painted, etc) Then of course we will have NCU members walking around talking and sharing the gospel. There will also be some awesome music happening!

I will post  more pictures after the event! I think it will be an amazing experience for all the students that decide to show up. At least I hope so!