College Life

College Life

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Touch Project

Okay, so the Touch Project is coming up this Saturday afternoon! This is what I've been working on all's a huge deal! Last year, we served about 300 homeless and low income individuals. I'm aiming for 350-400 this year! 

Students have really gotten into it this time around. We counted up about 2/3 of the donations from NCU students and the Eugene Church of Christ at the sorting party... So far, we have 123 girls/womens clothing items, 97 boys/mens clothing items, 13 pairs of shoes, a full box of toiletries (shavers, toothpaste, toothbrushes, combs, etc), 7 purses, 62 hats, and a ton of sunglasses. 

You can see how much work it was to sort through everything...but the result made it well worth it.

So this Saturday we will have a huge BBQ, a donation station (obviously), haircuts, a shaving station, a place to get their nails painted, a foot washing station (John 13...Jesus washes his disciples feet), a games station (where people can play basketball, frisbee, volleyball, catch) and 2 kids stations (where they can color, play hopscotch, get their faces painted, etc) Then of course we will have NCU members walking around talking and sharing the gospel. There will also be some awesome music happening!

I will post  more pictures after the event! I think it will be an amazing experience for all the students that decide to show up. At least I hope so!


  1. Looks like preparation is going great! Thanks for leading us to better heights!

  2. I'm so excited to hear about this, Jelly Bean :) Please, please take pictures and post them. I'll be here, anxiously waiting <3

  3. BTW, Lars, just so you know, I am supposed to be the only dedicated follower and lover of Janel's blog. I don't know how you snuck a comment in here before I got a chance to, but *snif* you beat me to the punch. I guess the Janel Fan-club is expanding past just me...*sigh*

    Janel, HOW DID IT GO????? I'm eager to hear! And if you post on here about it, give me the inside scoop so I can get on and comment before the boy :D

    1. Wooops...haha

      BTW Crysti it went awesome, she really did a great job preparing and getting other students to volunteer. Looking forward to Cali, hope we get to hang in person finally - glad I get to join the Janel Fan-club officially now (I've been a closet member for a long time).

  4. Oh man...I didn't realize there was a war for my blog! I officially have 2 whole readers now!! :) Haha. The Touch Project went pretty well. Just posted photos too. See you both soon!!
