It seems that all my posts are going to be about my absolute love for the homeless community. I just can't get over the way my heart races and my stomach does flips when I see them smile. Not the "please reach out and help me" cheap smile...the real one. The smile they smile after you help them.
I just experienced this smile. I was driving back from running errands, and saw a homeless man on the corner as I was stopped at a red light. I could see my wallet sitting next to me on the passenger seat, and thought "God is basically screaming at me to reach out to this man." As I rolled down my window, I instantly saw the man's face light up. I handed him 3 bucks. It seems silly that such a small amount can make such a difference in someone's disposition. He went from sitting against a tree with a sulking face avoiding eye contact with people to standing up waving at people. Amazing...
I know, I know. Some people will tell me I'm crazy to hand a homeless person hard cash, because you never know what they are going to do with it. But this is the way I see it: they can spend it on whatever they want; I got the chance to look him in the eyes, smile a legitimate smile, hand him money, and say "God Bless you." From that point, he can do with the money whatever he pleases. He heard what he needed to...that God loves him and is with him. What was I gonna do with it? Buy a coffee? It will mean more to him no matter what he does with it. As long as I get to show God's love to someone in need, I don't even care.
If you're reading this, I'm sorry you just sat through a long rant. All that was to say that I have an in-extinguishable love for the homeless population. Helping them changes my heart every time. It makes me feel like God is right next to me...more than usual. He has blessed me in so many ways. I love splashing over to touch someone else's life.
God Bless you in the rest of your day.