What happened??
Before Christmas break I was out and about helping the homeless a lot more, and was always finding ways to reach out. I don't know what happened (maybe 2 jobs, 18 credits, practicum, and a boyfriend?) but my outreach has really been suffering recently. SO! I decided to make a change.
Since I've been trying and failing to motivate people to go out and serve with me, I decided I would go out on my own. Maybe leading by example will prove to be more efficient. I know Eugene is a dangerous place (as several wise people have pointed out to me recently) so I figured I better make some plans that were super safe. Here was what I came up with: Breakfast! Who doesn't love a picnic style breakfast? I sure do. So I made plans to go out under the bridge with a couple blankets, a Bible, a couple tupperwares of food (pancakes, eggs, fruit, etc) and a huge thermos of coffee. I figured "what is safer than going out in broad daylight with food?" So that's exactly what I did.
I wish I had taken some pictures while I was down there, but my mind was focused on other things. But it was a really neat experience...I went down on Wednesday, and had so much fun I went back this morning. In all, I probably fed about 30 people. It was cool to see how many people would walk by and be curious at what I was doing. I can understand their confusion...I'm this blonde girl sitting on a blanket, reading a book (my Bible), with a huge amount of food sitting in front of me. Some people became so curious, they came up to me and inquired. Well...you can imagine how excited I was when I saw those brave souls walking towards me! Of course, I would chat with them and give them as much food as they wanted. I thought it would be okay to just help whoever I could and reach out to whoever God brought to me instead of rationing food. I had some awesome conversations and made some very hungry people happy. It's always so cool to see homeless people's faces when you tell them they should join you for some conversation and food.
It seems weird that something as simple as a breakfast can make such a huge difference to someone's day. A common theme in every conversation I had with people, was that they don't feel loved. One man actually said these words to me this morning: "It makes me sad that humans can treat other humans this way. Some people make me feel like I'm a different species. Is God really that far from me? Why can't people see me for who I am? I'm not just some dirty animal begging on the side of the road. I'm a real person that has a story. I have a past. I got knocked off my feet and need help getting up. Why can't anyone accept that?" WOW! Seriously? I was absolutely stunned. I literally had on words...even typing this makes me tear up. How can we allow this to happen in our city? How can we keep the love of God's from those who desperately need it? To hear someone say that he feels that God is distant from the city, and feels no love...what do you even say to something like that? All I could think of was to run to my car, get one of the FCA Bibles out (I have a box of them...not really sure why! But I keep them handy so I can give them out at times like this), and give it to him. I pointed him to some passages that really tug at my heart strings, and encouraged him to read through it. I don't know if he will...but I'll keep praying that he does.
Long story short, I had about a 20 minute conversation with this guy, and had my heart lit back up for the homeless in Eugene. I'm sure other people feel the same way he does. Why not put ourselves out there to help? We have resources and we have time; all we need is the passion.
Romans 15:7 -- Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.
Matthew 25:40 -- And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’