College Life

College Life

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

I stand amazed at the throne of God

I don't know how else to put my thoughts into words today. It's as simple at this: God is rocking my world big time. He's putting opportunities out that steal my attention. Stories that break my heart. Encouraging stories about watching prayer work. And all I can think is, "God is in this place." I am completely standing before the throne of God in amazement. 

We were blessed to be able to go to Blossom Cafe today, which is an awesome NGO that is doing great work in Siem Reap. Our friends Matthew and Melissa Stock are heading it up, and had some really empowering stories to share with us. You know they're doing a great job when you see Blossom in the #2 slot on trip advisor!! God is definitely moving in that place, and it was a great encouragement to hear success stories from them. 

As the trip goes on, there will be more and more that I won't be able to share with you my means of a public forum. That's solely for the anonymity and safety of certain people. Not because I get lazy in my blogging! I will, however, continue posting prayer requests, because I know how powerful prayer is. We've been feeling it. Thank you for supporting us in that way!

Prayer requests from today: 
- That Blossom Cafe would continue improving and that God would bless their work. 
- Please pray for the Stocks. They have given up all the comforts of the US to be here and serve The Lord, and are such an inspiration to me. I would just like to lift up extra prayers for them (i know they have a team of prayer warriors that they send specific things to. For mine, I would just ask that God continues to uplift and encourage them)
- For the team. As the trip becomes less physically straining and more emotionally straining, we are going to need prayer for a smooth transition and the ability to be honest with each other about what's breaking our hearts. 

Thanks for being with us in prayer! We are so blessed. 
God bless 

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