College Life

College Life

Friday, May 16, 2014

Today's adventures

Today, we did some things I can't blog about for the sake of safety and anonymity. But I can tell you that it was a terribly emotional day. Even though this is my second year, certain things hit me so hard still. 

The parts I can tell you about are pretty great though. We did some house church ministry today, and that was awesome. The kids were so happy and excited that we were there! It's always amazing to me how excited the kids get about having a marker to use! When we went to leave, the church leaders cut us each open a coconut so we got some fresh coconut milk before we left. I'm always amazed at how generous Khmer people are. They literally have nothing to spare, but they are always gifting us and blessing us in some way. 

This girl asked to take a picture with me when we were getting ready to leave. Maybe because I'm so white...? 

That's all I can muster for tonight. It was an emotional day, and I'm ready for some sleep! 

Please continue praying for the things I've been posting recently. Our team and this country can always use prayers! 

God bless. Xo

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