Room 17 kiddos,
Hey babies! Mrs. Coburn here. I just wanted to write an official letter to you explaining some things that you might not understand yet.
1. You guys are so important to me. I studied so long and hard in college to do what I do. I stayed up late and woke up early. I read books and wrote reports. I want you guys to know that I don't come to school to teach you because I have to - I come to school to teach you because I want to. This is something that is important to me, and each and every one of you holds a special place in my heart.
2. I understand how difficult it is to see other children treated differently than you. So many of you have come to me in the past few months asking why there's a "special class for kids that are different." "Why can't they be in normal classes like ours?" Kids, you don't even know how special you all are. You have the desire to take care of everyone and see EQUITY and EQUALITY in this world. Don't ever lose that. Those students are in a different room so that they can be taken care of the very best way we know how. Their teachers love them all as much as I love you guys. The fact that you will share your PE time with them so that they feel included has made me laugh, cry, and burst with pride. You have all far exceeded my expectations. Never stop asking questions - that's what led you to your AMAZING solution!
4. Just because I'm an adult doesn't mean I have all the answers. You all know that I didn't really know how artificial lights work - I told you that before we started our unit about it! Sometimes you ask me questions that I don't know the answer to, and then we research it together. I will continue to be honest with you when I don't know something. I never want you to think that I know everything, and I especially never want you to expect someone else to know everything. We are all learning together. Always.
5. You all know that our number one rule is "Take care of each other." But the way I've seen you do that this year has blown my mind. I have a secret for you - I have NEVER seen a class so caring and loving as you 23 kids. You encourage the students who are having a bad day to turn it around so that I can call their parents with good news. You love on others who are crying or sad and try to understand what it is that would make them happy again. You have EMPATHY - when you see someone sad or angry about something you've experienced, you tell them your story and help them feel better. When someone falls down, I see you run to help them up and tell an adult they might need a band-aid or an ice pack.
6. Continue doing exactly what you're doing. You are sweet, loving, compassionate, understanding, empathetic, strong, hilarious, and energetic kids. Those are qualities you should carry with you for the rest of your lives. Don't forget about all of us teachers that believe in you and want the very best for you in all things. We will ALWAYS be here for you.
7. Kids, please know that I'm not perfect. Every day when I come to school, I tell myself exactly what I want to be that day. I want to be patient, kind, loving, understanding, calm, and organized. But come all see me every day! I'm definitely not all of those things all of the time. But just like I tell you: I am not perfect. You are not perfect. But we can learn together to be better! Thank you for accepting that and allowing me the space to become a better teacher and human being.
I love you guys. Thank you for changing my life.
~ Mrs. Coburn
PS - Keep dreaming up these bright ideas! ;-)
I love your heart. Those kids sound like the precious little souls God created them to be. Thanks for loving on them, teaching them, and learning from them. When you pour so much into them, they surely won't forget you. I know I haven't forgotten the teachers that poured so much of themselves into my life! Love you, Bells <3