College Life

College Life

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Finding God in the little things

Kids, passports, and a cell phone. All these things are small, but they carry a lot of weight! And they're all things I've seen God shine through in the he last 3 weeks. 

We did an amazing kids club this past week, that resembles a VBS type gathering. The kids that come to the kids club each day, are such troopers! No matter what they seem to always have a smile on their face. I can be dripping sweat, and theyll still try to climb up my leg so I'll hold them. When I look in their eyes, I see Christ. I've been constantly reminded this week of when Jesus told his disciples that children are the ones that will inherit the kingdom of heaven. That they should let the little children come to him. They are so precious. So trusting. So loving. I've been constantly reminded of my passion for children since I've been here, because when I see them, I see pure joy in their faces. 

Wow, my passport. I've never thought about just how precious that thing is. About a week ago, Nicole looked at her passport and realized the visa was only good until June 13. Well....we don't leave until the 25. So we realized that we would basically be in the country illegally if we didn't get that fixed. When we got to Phnom Penh, we took our passports to the hotel owner, and asked if she could get it fixed for us. She took them and said we would have them back in 2 days. So we had dropped them off on Tuesday and should have them back by Friday evening. I was thinking "Whew! Good thing, because governments don't function on weekends, and then Monday is children's day. They don't work on holidays either...I'm so glad we'll have them back before all of that." Well, it comes to be Friday night, and I went down to the lobby to ask for our passports. They look in the locked drawer where they should be, and all of a sudden her eyes get really big. She asks me to please wait a minute, while she makes a call. Anyways, she tells me that she won't be able to get the passports until the next Wednesday. Its a pretty long story, but it was actually going to take the full week, not just two days. At this point, I'm freaking out. Because we had told HBI we would be there by Tuesday to start teaching, but now we weren't going to get our passports back until Wednesday. So I get back to my room all frustrated and worried, and decide I better start praying. We go through all of Saturday, and Nicole and I are getting ready for bed around 10:15 when we hear a loud knock on our hotel door. It's Troy and he has our passports!!! It's LITERALLY the last moment that they could have shown up. God totally answered my prayer! And now we get to go to HBI as scheduled, and not miss out on any time there. Praise God! 

And a cell phone. Today, Troy handed Nicole and I the cell phone we will have to make calls while in Cambodia. We called Sam (from HBI) to tell him we had the phone and ask what time would be best to come in to Battambang since he will have to pick us up. The joy and excitement he had when we were talking was amazing. He just sounded so excited to have us coming back! Then we hung up, and Nicole and I were talking through it when he called back from a different number. "Just so we would have both numbers just in case." Ahhh....I'm overcome with love and happiness from the people here. 

I always come to Cambodia hoping to bless others. But it turns out, they will outserve me on every level every time. 

This could have definitely been better written, but I'm so exhausted from the last 3 weeks and seem to be having writers block. I just wanted to give a little insight to the latest and greatest from Cambodia. 

I love you all! 

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